# Command-line interface

# Installation

The command-line interface comes as a pre-packaged JAR application. The package is compiled with Java 11, so make sure you have Java 11+ installed.

Note: Java 8 has been tested regularly and no issues have been encountered so far.

Use the latest version of the client, you can download it from here (opens new window).

# Basics

The idea of the command-line interface is to provide a way to integrate swagger-brake into any type of system, pipeline. There are several configuration parameters available that you could use to customize the behavior of swagger-brake.

The most basic usage is to compare 2 Swagger files.

$ java -jar swagger-brake.jar --old-api=swagger.json --new-api=swagger.json
Loading old API from swagger.json
Loading new API from swagger.json
Successfully loaded APIs
Starting the check for breaking API changes
Check is finished
No breaking API changes detected

# Customizing reporting

The custom reporting functionality is described in the Customizing reporting section.

Note that whatever custom reporting type you set for the command-line interface, console reporting will always be enabled.

To configure a custom reporting, the CLI accepts the --output-formats argument. The parameter accepts a comma separated list of reporting formats, in case you want to use multiple reporters.

For file typed reporters like JSON or HTML, you must also pass the --output-path argument denoting the location where the reports should be saved.

An example configuration could look the following:

$ java -jar swagger-brake.jar --old-api=swagger.json --new-api=swagger2.json --output-formats=STDOUT,JSON,HTML --output-path=/home/user/swagger-brake

# Deprecating APIs

The API deprecation support is described in the Deprecating APIs section.

The --deprecated-api-deletion-allowed parameter is responsible for setting this behavior. The default value is true, so there's no additional configuration is required, but it can be overridden to false anytime.

# Latest Maven artifact resolution

Latest Maven artifact resolution is described in detail within the Latest Maven artifact resolution section.

The functionality requires the following parameters:

  • --maven-repo-url
    • Specifies the release repository base URL. Might be optional in case --maven-snapshot-repo-url is provided.
      • Example: https://oss.jfrog.org/oss-release-local/
  • --maven-snapshot-repo-url
    • Specifies the snapshot repository base URL. Might be optional in case --maven-repo-url is provided.
      • Example: https://oss.jfrog.org/oss-snapshot-local/
  • --groupId
    • The groupId of the artifact
  • --artifactId
    • The artifactId of the artifact
  • --current-artifact-version
    • The version of the artifact that contains the new API. This is used to determine if the snapshot, or the release repository needs to be used.
      • Example values are: 1.0.0, 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
  • --artifact-packaging
    • Specifies the artifact packaging. Could be jar or war. Used when resolving the latest artifact version.

Example command:

$ java -jar swagger-brake.jar --new-api=swagger.yaml --maven-repo-url=https://oss.jfrog.org/oss-snapshot-local --maven-snapshot-repo-url=https://oss.jfrog.org/oss-snapshot-local --groupId=com.example --artifactId=petstore-api --current-artifact-version=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

Note: if you provide both --old-api and Maven parameters, --old-api will take precedence.

The filename to search for can be customized by providing the --api-filename parameter. Note that it's enough to provide the filename without the extension, in that case the JSON, YAML and YML extension will be used for scanning.

Example command:

$ java -jar swagger-brake.jar --new-api=swagger.yaml --maven-repo-url=https://oss.jfrog.org/oss-snapshot-local --maven-snapshot-repo-url=https://oss.jfrog.org/oss-snapshot-local --groupId=com.example --artifactId=petstore-api --current-artifact-version=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT --api-filename=something.yaml

It's also possible that the repository is secured with username and password authentication. The following 2 parameters can be used to provide the credentials to access the repository:

  • --maven-repo-username
  • --maven-repo-password

# Beta API support

For further reference, check out Beta API support in the Configuration section.

By providing the --beta-api-extension-name, one can override the default x-beta-api attribute name, and the given one will be used.

Example command:

$ java -jar swagger-brake.jar --old-api=swagger.yaml --new-api=swagger2.yaml --beta-api-extension-name=x-custom-beta-attributes

# Excluding paths from the scan

For detailed description on the feature, see Excluding paths from the scan.

There's a parameter --excluded-paths where you can provide a list of paths you want to be excluded from the check. The paths can be separated by commas.

Example command:

$ java -jar swagger-brake.jar --old-api=swagger.yaml --new-api=swagger2.yaml --excluded-paths=/auth 

# Full list of parameters

--old-api Denotes the path of the baseline API. Can be a relative path and an absolute one.
--new-api Denotes the path of the new, changed API. Can be a relative path and an absolute one.
--output-formats Specifies which reports shall be generated. Possible values: STDOUT, JSON, HTML
--output-path Denotes the folder where the file reports shall be saved. Can be a relative path and an absolute one. In case the path doesn't exist, it will be created.
--maven-repo-url Specifies the release repository base URL. Might be optional in case --maven-snapshot-repo-url is provided.
--maven-snapshot-repo-url Specifies the snapshot repository base URL. Might be optional in case --maven-repo-url is provided.
--maven-repo-username The username for the Maven repository.
--maven-repo-password The password for the Maven repository.
--groupId The groupId of the artifact.
--artifactId The artifactId of the artifact.
--current-artifact-version The version of the artifact that contains the new API. This is used to determine if the snapshot, or the release repository needs to be used.
--artifact-packaging Specifies the artifact packaging. Could be jar or war. Used when resolving the latest artifact version. Defaults to jar if not specified.
--api-filename The filename to search for within the artifact.
--beta-api-extension-name The name of the custom vendor extension attribute that denotes beta APIs.
--excluded-paths A comma separated list of path prefixes that shall be excluded from the scan.