# Maven Plugin

# Installation

Using the Maven plugin is quite easy. Similarly, to any other plugins, you just need to include the plugin data within your pom.xml.


# Basics

swagger-brake is hooked into the process-classes phase and the goal that swagger-brake uses is called check, so after configuring the plugin in your pom.xml, you should be good to go.

Executing a simple mvn clean package command will result in the following output:

[INFO] Downloading latest artifact with groupId 'io.redskap.example' artifactId 'swagger-brake-maven-example'
[INFO] Loading old API from /tmp/swagger-brake3424744906122776692swagger.yaml
[INFO] Loading new API from /swagger-brake-maven-example/target/generated-sources/swagger/swagger.json
[INFO] io.swagger.v3.parser.OpenAPIV3Parser@4535bdc6: attribute openapi is missing
[INFO] io.swagger.v3.parser.OpenAPIV3Parser@3ec62141: attribute openapi is missing
[INFO] Successfully loaded APIs
[INFO] Starting the check for breaking API changes
[INFO] Check is finished
[INFO] Report can be found at /swagger-brake-maven-example/target/swagger-brake/swagger-brake.html
No breaking API changes detected

Of course in case this is the first time the artifact is getting built, swagger-brake will notice that and skip the check:

[INFO] Downloading latest artifact with groupId 'io.redskap.example' artifactId 'swagger-brake-maven-example'
[INFO] Latest version of the artifact could not be retrieved from http://${REPO_URL}:8081/artifactory/libs-release-local, http://${REPO_URL}/artifactory/libs-snapshot-local with io.redskap.example:swagger-brake-maven-example
[INFO] Assuming this is the first version of the artifact, skipping check for breaking changes

# Customizing reporting

The custom reporting functionality is described in the Customizing reporting section.

By default, there's going to be console reporting enabled as well as HTML. At the end of the execution, you should see the HTML report generated under the target/swagger-brake folder. For reconfiguring the target directory, use the <outputFilePath> parameter.

Overriding the reporting configuration is simple. In the plugin configuration, just set the <outputFormats> tag with an array of <outputFormat> values.



# Deprecating APIs

The API deprecation support is described in the Deprecating APIs section.

Overriding the default deprecation rule - which is to allow the deletion of deprecated APIs, just like for the CLI - has never been easier, just set the <deprecatedApiDeletionAllowed> value to false:



# Latest Maven artifact resolution

Latest Maven artifact resolution is described in detail within the Latest Maven artifact resolution section.

By default, most of the configuration values are picked up from the project configuration itself, meaning that you don't need to set the <groupId>, <artifactId>, <currentVersion> attributes. Respectively they will use the project's <groupId>, <artifactId> and <version> values. However, in case there's a need to override any of those, you can do that within the configuration.

There's a single setting you got to provide for the resolution to work, either <mavenRepoUrl> or <mavenSnapshotRepoUrl>. Respectively they represent the release and snapshot repositories that holds the previous version of your artifact.

In addition, you can configure authentication to your repository with the <mavenRepoUsername> and <mavenRepoPassword> options.

Example configuration with authentication:


You can also configure the packaging of your artifact using the artifactPackaging property.

Possible values are:

  • jar
  • war

However, keep in mind that the plugin tries to automatically resolve which packaging is most appropriate. Only set it if you experience issues.

# Beta API support

For further reference, check out Beta API support in the Configuration section.

For overriding the attribute that is used for denoting beta APIs, use the <betaApiExtensionName> configuration.



# Excluding paths from the scan

For detailed description on the feature, see Excluding paths from the scan.

Similarly, to other configurations, use the <excludedPaths> parameter.



# Default parameter values

Parameter Default value
<outputFormats> HTML
<outputFilePath> ${project.build.directory}/swagger-brake
<groupId> ${project.groupId}
<artifactId> ${project.artifactId}
<currentArtifactVersion> ${project.version}
<artifactPackaging> ${project.packaging}

# Full list of parameters

Parameter Description
<oldApi> Denotes the path of the baseline API. Can be a relative path and an absolute one.
<newApi> Denotes the path of the new, changed API. Can be a relative path and an absolute one.
<outputFormats> Specifies which reports shall be generated. Possible values: STDOUT, JSON, HTML
<outputFilePath> Denotes the folder where the file reports shall be saved. Can be a relative path and an absolute one. In case the path doesn't exist, it will be created.
<mavenRepoUrl> Specifies the release repository base URL. Might be optional in case <mavenSnapshotRepoUrl> is provided.
<mavenSnapshotRepoUrl> Specifies the snapshot repository base URL. Might be optional in case <mavenRepoUrl> is provided.
<mavenRepoUsername> The username for the Maven repository.
<mavenRepoPassword> The password for the Maven repository.
<groupId> The groupId of the artifact.
<artifactId> The artifactId of the artifact.
<currentArtifactVersion> The version of the artifact that contains the new API. This is used to determine if the snapshot, or the release repository needs to be used.
<artifactPackaging> Specifies the artifact packaging. Could be jar or war. Defaults to jar. If the <packaging> property is set on the project, it'll be used.
<apiFilename> The filename to search for within the artifact.
<betaApiExtensionName> The name of the custom vendor extension attribute that denotes beta APIs.
<excludedPaths> A list of path prefixes that shall be excluded from the scan.